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August 2, 2010 / banyantreeseo

Tips on Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is one of the very best  trends to explode onto the online world. The principle behind SEO bookmarking is very simple. If someone comes across your website and finds it useful or interesting, they can post it on a relevant social site so that other web users can easily find it, and so that they can find it again themselves.

There are various ways that having your website bookmarked can benefit your business. Firstly, many customers will not buy your product or service on their first visit to your site. If they bookmark you and can find your site again easily, they may be more inclined to buy on their repeat visits. If they have tagged your site on a 2.0 bookmarking site, other users that see the bookmark and visit you may comment on your site, encouraging your original visitor to return and buy from you.

Another advantage of 2.0 SEO is that it is viral. If someone sees an interesting or relevant bookmark on one site, they may put it on their own site, blog or forum, or on another site.

This technique has limited value in increasing your web ranking directly. This is because many websites use a type of link that search engines will not follow, and therefore will not index. However, there are others that offer search engine friendly links, and if a bookmark to your site is added to other sites, blogs or forums, you will get a lot of valuable back links to increase your web ranking.

Social Marketing is gaining in strength.

The influence of social bookmarking sites such as Digg is on the increase, certainly for the foreseeable future. Getting your website tagged on social bookmarking sites can increase your online exposure, generate repeat traffic to your site, and improve your web ranking if you can find sites with search engine friendly back links. Web users love to talk about new sites that they have found, which are interesting or out of the ordinary, so having web content that is informative and compelling increases your chances of being social bookmarked.

SEO Team


M. Kumar

August 2, 2010 / banyantreeseo

SEO Related Sites

Good SEO Sites – 13088 161 SEO Tools – Free Internet Based Tools softwareseo Search Engine Result Page ( nice tool )

July 30, 2010 / banyantreeseo

SEO Video Gallery



July 30, 2010 / banyantreeseo

SEO Friendly WordPress Version 3.0


  • WordPress and WordPress MU have merged, allowing the management of multiple sites (called Multisite) from one WordPress installation.
  • New default theme “Twenty Ten” takes full advantage of the current features of WordPress.
  • New Custom Menu Management feature, allows creation of custom menus combining posts, pages, categories, tags, and links for use in theme menus or widgets.
  • Custom Header and Custom Background APIs.
  • Contextual help text accessed under the Help tab of every screen in the WordPress administration.
  • Ability to set the admin username and password during installation.
  • Bulk updating of themes with an automatic maintenance mode during the process.
  • Support for Shortlinks.
  • Improved Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies including hierarchical (category-style) support. (Try the Custom Post Type UI or GD Custom Posts And Taxonomies Tools plugins to see the possibilities.)
  • A lighter admin color scheme to increase accessibility and put the focus more squarely on your content.

User Features


  • Check required php and mysql versions in the update and notify if the server environment does not meet those requirements
  • New wp_login_form() provides a simple login form for use anywhere
  • New WordPress logo for admin header
  • Place “Search Engines Blocked” mini-alert in the wp-admin header to prevent people from accidentally delisting themselves
  • Remove ‘Turbo’ link from admin header and remove Turbo section from the Tools->Tools panel
  • Renamed various menu items, for example Posts->Edit becomes Posts->Posts, and Links->Edit becomes Links->Links, and so on
  • Revised administration menu icons
  • Revised Gray Admin Color Scheme
  • Revised information in readme.html file
  • Show login form upon email-sent for recover/reset passwords


  • Add link so user can visit Dashboard after core upgrade
  • Move Tools->Upgrade menu option to Dashboard->Updates and overhaul of user interface so themes, plugins, and core upgrades under one panel
  • New menu management (navigation) via Menus option under Appearances Menu (#11817)
  • Password nag for newly registered users
  • Split Right Now widget into Content | Discussion


  • Allow for removing all tags in quick edit
  • Allow themes to style the visual editor with editor-style.css file, using add_editor_style() function
  • Enable custom taxonomy UI for pages as well as for posts
  • Improved revision comparison user interface
  • Shortlinks enabled, but still requires a plugin or theme support to fully realize this feature
  • Added capital_P_dangit() filter to change ‘WordPress‘ to ‘WordPress‘.


  • Add oEmbed support
  • Allow Deletion of Media Alt text
  • Change Media UI labels from “Post Thumbnails” to “Featured Image”
  • Cleanup of the edit media screen
  • Don’t let “Crunching” overlap image name while uploading
  • Optimize scan for lost attachments
  • Support for additional file type extensions (Changesets 12581 and 13349)


  • Order link categories by name, not count, on Add New/Edit Link page


  • Add additional columns to the Posts Comments view
  • Allow configuration of number of comments to display Recent Comments dashboard module
  • Block comments for future posts and password protected posts (when password not provided)
  • Change to comments UI to show when a comment is replying to another, and link to the parent comment



  • Add Details and Install Now action links under each plugin listed in Install Plugins
  • Allow Tab indenting, Shift-Tab (outdenting), and multi-line tabbing, in plugin editor
  • Upgrade plugins in bulk from the Plugins->Installed panel (#11542)
  • When deleting plugins, check for uninstall hooks, and warn of data deletion


  • Add tag-to-category and category-to-tag converters to the Tools panel, add tag-to-category converter links to Posts->Post Tags panel
  • Clean up OPML link export script
  • Expanded filter criteria in AdministrationToolsExport panel
  • Import WordPress fixes notices, attachments, and users
  • Removed Turbo menu item, but because Turbo files weren’t removed, Turbo may still work
  • All importers moved to the plugin repository (e.g. WordPress Importer)


  • Allow “No role for this blog” to be chosen in Users->Add New panel
  • Added update_corelist_usersremove_usersadd_userspromote_usersedit_theme_optionsdelete_themes andexport Capabilities


Install Process


Development, Themes, Plugins

  • A better default excerpt; remove multiple white spaces from the excerpt as well as splitting safely on UTF8 strings
  • Add Child theme support for theme header registrations, second call to register_theme_headers() should add more headers, and not replace existing headers.
  • Add add_plugins_page() function to allow adding a submenu to under Plugins menu
  • Add get_search_link() with Permastruct (/search/) support, update get_search_link()get_search_feed_link() andget_search_comments_feed_link()
  • Add is_comment_feed()
  • Add redirect_to and associated filters to registration and password recovery
  • Add a wp_loaded action that fires once WordPress init has finished
  • Add an INDEX on comment_parent (wp_comments table) to speed up wp_delete_comment() and reparenting queries
  • Add argument hide_if_empty to wp_dropdown_categories() to hide dropdown if no terms to display
  • Add argument id to wp_dropdown_users() and wp_dropdown_categories()
  • Add argument post_type to get_page_by_title()
  • Add argument taxonomies to register_post_type()
  • Add argument taxonomy to wp_list_categories() and wp_dropdown_categories() to be custom taxonomy aware
  • Add capability ‘edit_theme_options’ (see developer discussion on this)
  • Add capability ‘list_users’ to provide more controls over listing users vs. editing users
  • Add compatibility code for old themes that relied on templates from the default theme without expressly identifying it as the parent theme (Note: the fallback to these template files is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version)
  • Add custom hierarchical post type support to get_pages()
  • Add defaults for ‘post_content’ and ‘post_title’ in wp_insert_post()
  • Add email and login duplicate checking to wp_insert_user()
  • Add extra hooks to “Right Now” dashboard widget
  • Add filter to the links in paginate_links() and to the arguments in wp_link_pages()
  • Add filter post_updated_messages to allow changes to the $messages array in wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php
  • Add filter post_updated action fires when a post is updated; post ID, current and previous post objects are passed and wp_check_for_changed_slugs() updated to use new hook
  • Add flag to taxonomy registration allowing permalinks to be prepended with front, or not
  • Add initial WP_DEBUG define to wp-config-sample.php and suggest plugin/theme developers use it
  • Add mobile webkit styles for twentyten theme
  • Add more orderby and select options to get_comments
  • Add Multisite capabilities (#11644)
  • Add new protocols for kses and make the list of protocols filterable
  • Add optional comment ID argument to comment template functions
  • Add replace method to $wpdb (#10864)
  • Add support to get_terms() to allow ‘include’ & ‘exclude’ args to be arrays()
  • Add support to is_singular() to allow testing of specific post_types such as is_singular('book') or is_singular( array( 'newspaper', 'book' ) )
  • Add the generator element in feeds through the {rss2|atom|rdf|rss|opml}_head hooks
  • Add ‘themes_loaded’ hook to run after parent/child themes have been included
  • Add ?ver=DATE query strings to all images that changed since 2.9, to expire browser cache and bump versions on all CSS/JS files modified in that process
  • Admin support for Custom Post Types (#9674)
  • Admin support for hierarchical taxonomies (#10122)
  • Allow Custom Post Types to have custom icons
  • Allow enabling/disabling title and editor per post type, introduce remove_post_type_support(), add enable/disable for author override
  • Allow include/exclude arguments for get_posts() and get_pages() to be an array
  • Allow methods to be used as a callback in wp_unique_filename()
  • Allow more special characters in wp_generate_password()
  • Allow multiple To: recipients in wp_mail() and improve handling of \r\n in headers and multiple CC/BCC headers
  • Allow people to attach PHP 5.3 Closures to filters and actions
  • Allow plugins to modify the query run by WP_User_Search
  • Allow themes to specify a menu fallback other than wp_page_menu()
  • Better inline documentation for WP_DEBUGWP_DEBUG_DISPLAY, and WP_DEBUG_LOG.
  • Better POST_BY_EMAIL logic
  • Check PHP and MySQL versions in upgrade.php
  • Convert Terms page to use WP_Ajax_Response(), hierarchical terms will now appear under their parent OR have the parents prefixed (Changeset 13086)
  • Create metaboxes for hierarchical taxonomies
  • Create post_status=auto-draft when creating a new post item and status changes to draft on first auto-save
  • Customizable death (wp_die() is now pluggable) (#11892)
  • Deprecate get_alloptions()
  • Deprecate get_profile() for get_the_author_meta()
  • Deprecate trackback_rdf() (#11139)
  • Deprecate add_option_update_handler() and remove_option_update_handler() in favor of register_setting() andunregister_setting()
  • Deprecate automatic_feed_links() in favor of add_theme_support(‘automatic-feed-links’)
  • Deprecate get_bloginfo(‘text_direction’) in favor of is_rtl()
  • Deprecate set_current_user() in favor of wp_set_current_user()
  • Deprecate MagpieRSS in favor of Simplepie (#11982)
  • Deprecate Snoopy
  • Deprecate User Levels (use Roles and Capabilities instead) (#10805)
  • Deprecate clean_url() in favor of esc_url() and esc_url_raw() (#12309)
  • Deprecate VHOST in favor of a boolean, SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL (Note: core will keep VHOST defined for plugins’ sake, but you should only define SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL; will throw notice if VHOST is defined, and a warning if they somehow conflict; sunrise can still handle them
  • Deprecate is_term and is_taxonomy in favor of term_exists and taxonomy_exists
  • Don’t check for the existence of index.php in the htaccess rewrite rules
  • Don’t query against entire users table in wp_dropdown_users()
  • Don’t require a default category for post types other than ‘post’
  • Ensure that for multiple sidebar additions, the ID is unique
  • Extend the_modified_date() to support before/after/echo
  • Fallback to wp_page_menu() from wp_nav_menu() if no menus are setup
  • Fix Press This entity encoding
  • Fix DST/Standard transition display in Settings->General
  • Fix recursive chmod for WP_Filesystem
  • Flag post statuses as public, private, protected, or internal
  • Functon get_usernumposts() is now deprecated in favor of count_user_posts() for naming consistency
  • Improve user listing performance
  • In Twenty Ten theme, don’t use post thumbnail as the custom header if it’s smaller than the header size
  • Introduce *_user_meta() functions, deprecate *_usermeta() family
  • Introduce _ex(), a hybrid between _e() and _x(), to translate with context, then echo.
  • Introduce add_editor_style() to easily register a stylesheet for the visual editor
  • Introduce add_permastruct() and flush_rewrite_rules(), wrappers for the corresponding WP_Rewrite methods
  • Introduce disabled() form helper, move selected() and checked() out of wp-admin and into full scope
  • Introduce delete_user_option()
  • Introduce get_available_languages()
  • Introduce get_comment_id_fields() to get comment_id_fields() and introduce a filter on the output to add extra fields
  • Introduce get_index_template() to allow child themes to override a parent theme’s index.php
  • Introduce get_intermediate_image_sizes() for getting all the intermediate image sizes to be used both when adding attachements and deleting
  • Introduce get_post_types() function to get a list of registered post types
  • Introduce get_super_admins() and allow hard-coding a global super_admins array and bypassing site options
  • Introduce get_taxonomies() function to get a list of all registered taxonomies (#12516)
  • Introduce get_template_part() function to include generic files (other than header, sidebar, footer) (#13146#13816)
  • Introduce get_term_feed_link() and use it in wp_list_categories()
  • Introduce get_the_author_link()
  • Introduce get_the_date()
  • Introduce home_url()
  • Introduce is_child_theme()
  • Introduce is_post_type_hierarchical() to use to check if a post type support hierarchical
  • Introduce is_rtl() and becomes defined when locale is loaded
  • Introduce is_super_admin()
  • Introduce is_textdomain_loaded()
  • Introduce menu_page_url() for plugins to use to get the URL for the pages they have added
  • Introduce register_admin_color_schemes() to registers the default admin color schemes
  • Introduce remove_theme_support()
  • Introduce post_type_exists()
  • Introduce sanitize_key()
  • Introduce set_current_screen(). Set current screen for inline edit ajax requests so post rows can be properly displayed.
  • Introduce taxonomy_exists() to replace is_taxonomy()
  • Introduce term_exists() to replace is_term()
  • Introduce the_shortlink() template tag (#10640)
  • Introduce unload_textdomain() and add plugin_locale and theme_locale filters to load_*_textdomain() functions
  • Introduce unregister_theme_headers()
  • Introduce update_blog_details()
  • Introduce wp_check_filetype_and_ext() to handle mime/ext image comparisons and corrections for upload and sideload
  • Introduce wp_reset_postdata() to reset the post global for the current query_posts() call after using a loop with a new WP_Query object
  • Introduce constant DISALLOW_FILE_MODS for disabling all ops that modify core, theme, or plugins files
  • Introduce constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT flag for enabling/disabling the theme and plugin editors
  • Introduce constant DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML to disallow unfiltered_html for all users, even admins and super admins
  • Introduce constant SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL boolean to replace VHOST
  • Introduce constant WP_DEFAULT_THEME to use to set ‘default’ theme when installing new sites
  • Introduce Custom Taxonomies translation strings
  • Introduce theme compatibility files so incomplete themes that need to inherit templates will inherit them from wp-includes/theme-compat
  • Introduce WP_User::for_blog() and current_user_can_for_blog() to avoid calls to WP_User::_init_caps()
  • Introduce wpdb::tables() to fetch table names on a global or blog scope
  • Introduce ZipArchive version of unzip_file() (more efficient on memory usage for supporting hosts)
  • Make get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’) use site_url(), not get_option(‘siteurl’)
  • Make better use of $wp_query->get_queried_object()
  • Make calendar valid HTML 5
  • Merge clear_global_post_cache() into clean_post_cache()
  • Merge Categories/Hierarchical taxonomies into edit-tags.php
  • Merge edit-page-form.php into edit-form-advanced.php
  • Merge edit-pages.php into edit.php
  • Merge page.php into post.php
  • Merge page-new.php into post-new.php
  • More powerful version of is_tax()
  • Move send_nosniff_header() into wp-includes so it can be used in wp-ajax.php
  • New $required_mysql_version global in wp-db.php
  • New comment_form() that outputs a complete commenting form for use within a template (#10910)
  • New posts_search filter in query.php
  • Numerous functions deprecated and changes to not use those deprecated functions
  • Optimize single_post_title()single_tag_title()single_cat_title() to use WP_Query globals if available
  • Pass default post to default_contentdefault_title, and default_excerpt filters, to allow filtering by post_type and other attributes
  • Prevent page(\d+) slugs, and force a suffix
  • Recommended reading from a theme developer’s view regarding navigation menus; see Ryan Boren’s recommendation
  • Redirect ?page_id=xx for the Posts page to the posts page
  • Refactor get_available_languages() to use glob() instead of *dir functions
  • Reminder that escaping rules for options and transients changed so see Ryan Boren’s explanation
  • Reminder to plugin authors to test and make sure they do not generate unexpected output; see Ryan Boren’s explanation
  • Remove STYLE_DEBUG constant, SCRIPT_DEBUG now handles both scripts and CSS
  • Remove wp-ajax.php. admin-ajax.php can be used (and is better for) for front-end/nopriv AJAX requests
  • Rename get_post_link() to get_post_permalink() to avoid conflict with bbPress
  • Rename the new ‘themes_loaded’ hook to ‘after_setup_theme’ to prevent confusion as to what it actually does & where its fired from
  • Revised Coding Standards: no camelcase variables, use lowercase for variables
  • Serve a real 404 for ?p=does-not-exist, ?cat=does-not-exist, etc
  • Show custom hierarchical taxonomies in the menus
  • Show theme installer only to super admins
  • Suffix and version bump for ie.css
  • The Settings API now supports automatic error display for validation problems with add_settings_error() (#11474)
  • Tidy up logic for defining WP_DEBUG
  • Update wp_popular_terms_checklist() to handle custom taxonomies
  • Update jQuery to 1.4.2 (#12305)
  • Update jQuery UI to 1.7.3
  • Update json lib
  • Update phpass to 0.2
  • Update Prototype.js to 1.6.1
  • Update Scriptaculous.js to 1.8.3
  • Update SWFobject JS to 2.2
  • Update wp_clear_scheduled_hook calls to use array when passing args
  • Use admin_url() for images in wp-admin, to allow for filtering
  • Use get_terms() in wp_count_terms()
  • Various phpDoc updates
  • Various changes to wp-includes/http.php

Features Deferred to Later Versions

These features didn’t make it into current release and have been designated for a future release.

  • Overhaul of user roles
  • Media uploader improvements
July 30, 2010 / banyantreeseo

About SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Internet has become a powerful marketing source for the benefit of mankind. Many websites are available in the internet, fulfilling various purposes. These websites need to be in the top rankings in the search engines to maintain its popularity and to increase the volume of traffic to the site. Search Engine optimization (SEO) serves the above purpose. If the pages of the website are optimized with high targeted key words, the rank of the site increases. Higher the rank, higher is the amount of visitors to the site.

Maintenance of Ranks:

Search engine Optimization involves a number of techniques to increase the ranking and sales of the website through search engines. Some of the points to be noted for Search engine optimization are,

The web pages should be rich in content, communicative and item-specific. The web pages should contain the highly specific keywords which are frequently searched by the users. This helps to increase the position of the website in the search engine. For optimization purpose, the pages should be checked with keyword density analyzers.

Link Popularity:
The links in the website is marked factor which decides the ranking of the website. The number of incoming links which conjoin to various files, directories, keywords and also to other sites is called as link popularity.

Good Content:

The content of the website should be periodically updated so that it becomes alive and effective. The website should contain good content for the visitors to use it efficiently. Also, the content’s flow throughout the page should be relevant. Thus clarity and relevancy are the key points to be noted for search engine optimization.

July 30, 2010 / banyantreeseo

Reasons Not To Use Article Spinning Software

It’s a eureka moment, you have at long last found a magic pill that guarantees search engine dominance. The squeeze page promises simplicity and all the smiley faced video testimonials attest to how effective it’s is and how much money it has made for them. You can’t believe your luck; you have just stumbled upon the best kept marketing secret of all time. “It’s an investment which pays for itself time and time and time again”, that has to be true because the website says so.

The hype that surrounds Article Spinning is incredible but then it would have to be in order to sell a completely useless product.

Gullible doesn’t mean stupid rather it’s being coerced into making a decision without knowing all the pertinent facts. This is what the developers of article spinning software depend on in order to sell their wares. If you are thinking about purchasing an article spinner based on the hype posted all over the web be aware that like every other over hyped SEO trick geared to game search engine algorithms, article spinning is a complete waste of time.

If your website is underperforming you probably want to believe the snake oil salesmen promoting a product that promises top search engine positions and a continuous stream of targeted visitors. Not only do you want to believe it you might even need to believe it. Unfortunately it’s just cleverly worded hype aimed at taking advantage of the gullible and those desperately in need of a quick fix. In truth the most effective thing about article spinning is the hype used to sell the product, not the product itself.

It’s an Article Jim, but Not as We Know It

Article spinning software isn’t all it is cracked up to be and there are a few reasons why you should think carefully about using it. Most article spinners come with a built in thesaurus that will substitute words with others thought to be synonymous. The results can be hilarious and often read as if they were written in Klingon. This won’t do much for your credibility or that of your company or the products you are trying to market. Your target readers are not going to read that junk never mind act upon it, but it does provide perfect justification to retain the browser back button.

Article Spinning, Just Another Way To Say SPAM

The latest breed of article spinning software can produce content that is grammatically correct and can even pass online plagiarism tests. This might be fueling the belief that article spinning is capable of defeating Google’s duplicate content filters. There are many reasons not to believe this. An upcoming hub in this series will take an in depth look at how search engines read content and outline the reasons why spun articles might still be detected as duplicate content.

Just because content spinning can produce content that is grammatically correct it doesn’t automatically follow that the content will be truly readable. A problem associated to dumping thousands of low grade articles all over the web is how it’s perceived by the target audience. Anyone reading more than one spun article will not learn anything more than someone who read only one. Article spinning rarely considers the needs of the target reader although it offers a simple means to create a myriad of low quality pages purposed specifically to game search engine algorithms. In short, Article Spinning is only useful if you plan on spamming.

If you want to rewrite or bring up to date just one article then the time and effort spent wrestling with an article for spinning is difficult to justify. The effort is necessary if you plan to create thousands of variations and take up multiple positions in SERPs hence article spinning software has become the constant companion of both plagiarists and spammers alike.

The Ethics of Article Spinning

Is article spinning ethical? No, not on any level, even if you are spinning your own articles then the end result will still be to game search engine algorithms even if it’s unintentional. The same is true if you intend to purchase and spin PLR articles. Although a common practice amongst spammers, it is unethical and illegal for someone to steal and spin someone else’s content with a view to passing it off as their own.

If you discover your work has been plagiarized, spun or scraped it is important that you act straight away. But who do you talk to and what do you say? For anyone condidering sending a cease and desist letter or DMCA notice, has prepared a helpful collection of free to use stock lettersto guide and assist you.

Google Calling For Link Spam Reports.

In a post on Matt Cutts blog dated 3rd March 2010 Matt announced that Google has been working on some new algorithms and tools to tackle link spam which, coincidently, is exactly the type spam created by article spinners and scrapers. Google are so keen to remove this type of spam from their index they are asking for information about web sites that appear to be using spammy links. This would include websites or blog spammers who have stolen, spun or plagiarized your content whether that is from one of your hubs, your website, blog or anywhere else you publish content.

Google’s duplicate content filter may be hiding these websites from you so to find out if anyone is copying your content here is a simple way to view results with the filter switched off. First search Google for a unique phrase from the document you want to check. Click through to the last page of results, following the last result you will find an option to ‘repeat the search with the omitted results included’. This will let you examine unfiltered results and could bring to light pages that are using your content. Don’t just look for exact copies also look for pages that might be spun, these are pages that will be paraphrasing yours.

Also you might find the results for the keywords you are targeting being polluted with spun pages that are not using your content. Occupying multiple search engine listings is one of the tactics employed by article spinners. Reporting these pages can see your ranking improve significantly. Not only will the spun content get removed from the results, any links from those pages to the spammer’s money site will be lost and the money site itself could drop in the rankings, be penalized or completely dropped from the index.

For year’s spammers and more recently, article spinners have been using chinks in search engine algorithms to unfairly out rank you and even use your own content against you. Google is providing a means to fight back and regain your credibility as the true originator of your content and to regain your search engine positions. For commercial websites, or adsense shared revenue sites like HubPages this can only serve to increase your earnings at the expense of the spammers. Make good use of the opportunity.

My Final Un-spun Words

Rather than looking for a way to increase quantity, focus on providing original, high quality information that your target market will find useful. Forget about spamming, forget about article spinning and concentrate on putting your readers or customers best interest first.

July 29, 2010 / banyantreeseo

Seo Theory Means To You

SEO Theory is an embryonic science, only a few years old and lacking the formal discipline of a true science. The study of search engine optimization remains very much a lonely outpost on the frontier of human experience. The SEO Theorist is constantly asking “why?”, “how?”, and “what next?”.

Technical interest in SEO Theory obviously seeks to understand how the systems work with the intent of improving overall performance of Web content in search engine indexes. Non-technical interest in SEO Theory may be driven by no more than simple curiosity, but as the business and organizational comunities increase their dependence upon search engine optimization, decision-makers need to understand the risks, values, and returns offered by search engine optimization.

As a purely intellectual exercise, the study of search engine optimization is almost non-existent. It remains a peripheral aspect of more traditional academic research focusing on search engine indexing and technology. The motives of the search engine optimization community in documenting, explaining, and promoting “techniques” are almost completely mercantile.

Sponsored by a commercial optimization firm as this site is, cannot avoid standing at least partially inside the shadow of self-promotional bias. However, in studying the SEO community, one is always well advised to scrutinize every point made with a firm skepticism. The articles and papers you find here explain why skepticism is important while laying the groundwork for further study by all.

July 29, 2010 / banyantreeseo

Three Successful SEO Techniques Everyone Should Learn

The amount of local searches is more than at any other time in the history of the internet. You are about to learn about a few SEO techniques that will take you far in this business.

Beyond all else, your website must have content that is relevant and informative. What is the purpose of doing search engine optimization? Your main purpose is to get quality website visitors. If you expect people to surf your site and purchase your products, you have to give them helpful material that matches their interests. The majority of people who visit a website don’t read every word, but browse around here and there. Make any especially important content stand out to your readers by using devices such as highlighting or a bulleted list. Another way to accomplish this is by using pictures. One thing to watch out for is overusing keywords, as this can work against you for SEO purposes.

Most local websites that are targeted by local businesses are fine with the idea of a business owner asking customers to log on to the site and leave reviews (Yelp is a good example of this). With this being allowed by the websites and knowing that it will benefit your local SEO efforts why not make a practice of doing this? Be sure to mention these things in your e-mail signatures, on your invoices, your contact forms and any place else you can. It doesn’t have to be hard, just a quick “we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to review our company on LocalWebsiteOfYourChoice.Dot.” You already understand that you won’t be able to control what is written in the reviews themselves but just having them online will help build your business’s credibility and make you look more reliable to new clients. This is one tip that you need to put into practice no matter what else you do because it has the potential to really help you out with your business’s rankings online.

When you are doing local SEO, it’s important to connect with other local websites. Local businesses should always strive to connect with the local community as much as they can. To maximize your effectiveness as a local business, you should really focus your efforts on getting well respected and popular businesses and groups in your community to link to your site. The search engines favor sites with a good number of quality backlinks, and getting links from prestigious local sites is the way to get your site highly ranked for location based keywords. Doing this will cause the search engines to see you as a quality site in your location. Keep in mind that what you are really looking for in backlinks is not so much the quantity, but relevance and quality. While getting links from local bloggers won’t do you that much good, one or two from high status groups in your area can do a lot.

Don’t worry so much about getting a huge number of links, but look for quality instead. In conclusion, there is no better way to grow your business profits than through local SEO.



July 29, 2010 / banyantreeseo

Useful SEO Links

17 Important Things to Do After Starting Your WordPress Blog,+Blogging,+and+Tech+Tips+from+a+Kid)

July 29, 2010 / banyantreeseo

Drupal vs Joomla: a frank comparison from an IBM consultant

Drupal vs. Joomla

FYI, here are my observations on Drupal after about 40-50 hours with the tool (I have experience with Joomla, DotNetNuke, and of course our solution atIBM: Websphere Portal, WCM, and Portlet Factory). I plan to evaluate for another few days, before making a decision on whether to implement using Joomla or Drupal.  The hosting costs and portlet dev cost for Websphere Portal are too high, or I’d be using an IBM solution.

Site Building
– Flexibility & Power: Drupal looks significantly more powerful — much more flexible.  Looks like Views, CCK, Panels give Drupal a huge advantage over Joomla. You simply can’t get that flexibility with Joomla.  Joomla developers design around their own paradigm with very little flexibility. You can get up and running much quicker with Joomla, but you will hit the wall sooner or later.

– In my initial tests, Drupal blows away Joomla.  With the new version of Joomla, the good template makers junk them up with gee-whiz gadgets that are not suitable for the enterprise

Learning Curve
– Joomla is far easier to get up and running.  Even with all the free videos, blogs, etc, Drupal is still a lot more challenging. Big oppty for comprehensive business business/enterprise book/education

Joomla wins by a huge margin. For example, companies like Joomlart, Joomlashack do a good job.  Drupal theme companies are simply horrific. What’s needed is a Template strategy that emulates the requirements for the top web sites in the country and, bundles modules, blocks etc. that work out-of-the-box to give businesses a head-start. For example, with our Websphere Portal product, we deliver incredible Themes/Skins that are rock solid and professional with no fuss or muss. I think you guys have a good stated strategy, but you’re missing a big oppty to deliver what enterprises really need.

Your templates are the best I’ve seen, but, an enterprise that is just getting started with Drupal will still have a huge ramp to climb to get a News site, mag site, etc. to look good.  Joomlart delivers their Teline II template with a special install that gives you all the sample data, all the components in place — everything in place.

Finally, the biggest problem with Drupal templates is that the developers completely miss one of the key elements that any evaluator looks at: the menu system.  If you don’t have a professional navigation system on your web site, you’re perceived as a low quality site. The other top items: Layout, Graphics, speed are also critical, and Drupal developers don’t seem to care. Exception:

Code developers
Based on my limited review, it looks Drupal coders are much more professional, skilled, disciplined. Good Joomla coders are rare. Must have something to due with the Drupal culture.  I’m sure the Joomla devs are just as capable, they just don’t institute the same rigor

Drupal’s backend admin functionality is bad. The front end, backend separation is tenuous and confusing. Joomla is far better.

Content Management
– Drupal’s taxonomy system is excellent. Joomla’s “straight-jacket” approach (Content items confined to one Section/Category) is poor. Joomla’s admin console is much easier to organize, find content. Joomla’s WYSIWYGPro is better than the options available for Drupal.

Content Presentation
– Drupal’s tools are very, very good — they don’t come close to the built-in power of IBM tools — but they’re light years better than Joomla. I like CCK, Views, but wonder why they aren’t part of the code base. Seems odd.  WIth Joomla, you have to acquire components that will meet 60-80% of your needs.  For example, iJoomla has a tremendous news component, but it will never meet the capabilities of Drupal’s CCK, Views, etc.

Multitier Deployment
I’m shocked that there are no good tutorials, articles, education on the proper method for implementing Dev, Test, Staging, Dev environments. Drupal and Joomla communities both suffer from this.  Also, basic backup and restore is not addressed adequately.  The Drupal community is clueless on this.  Joomla at least has two good solutions. If I decide to recommend Drupal for a production site, I’l recommend use Xcloner from Joomlaplug — this product will work with Drupal and does backup and restore of the site and the SQL db.

Summary to Date

– Use Joomla if you want to get nice looking site up quickly and can deal with a slower system, rigid content categorization and limited design/configuration options.
– Use Drupal if you want high performance, scalability, good content management and significant design flexibility. But, be prepared to spend a lot of time/money to get the site to look professional.