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July 29, 2010 / banyantreeseo

Three Successful SEO Techniques Everyone Should Learn

The amount of local searches is more than at any other time in the history of the internet. You are about to learn about a few SEO techniques that will take you far in this business.

Beyond all else, your website must have content that is relevant and informative. What is the purpose of doing search engine optimization? Your main purpose is to get quality website visitors. If you expect people to surf your site and purchase your products, you have to give them helpful material that matches their interests. The majority of people who visit a website don’t read every word, but browse around here and there. Make any especially important content stand out to your readers by using devices such as highlighting or a bulleted list. Another way to accomplish this is by using pictures. One thing to watch out for is overusing keywords, as this can work against you for SEO purposes.

Most local websites that are targeted by local businesses are fine with the idea of a business owner asking customers to log on to the site and leave reviews (Yelp is a good example of this). With this being allowed by the websites and knowing that it will benefit your local SEO efforts why not make a practice of doing this? Be sure to mention these things in your e-mail signatures, on your invoices, your contact forms and any place else you can. It doesn’t have to be hard, just a quick “we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to review our company on LocalWebsiteOfYourChoice.Dot.” You already understand that you won’t be able to control what is written in the reviews themselves but just having them online will help build your business’s credibility and make you look more reliable to new clients. This is one tip that you need to put into practice no matter what else you do because it has the potential to really help you out with your business’s rankings online.

When you are doing local SEO, it’s important to connect with other local websites. Local businesses should always strive to connect with the local community as much as they can. To maximize your effectiveness as a local business, you should really focus your efforts on getting well respected and popular businesses and groups in your community to link to your site. The search engines favor sites with a good number of quality backlinks, and getting links from prestigious local sites is the way to get your site highly ranked for location based keywords. Doing this will cause the search engines to see you as a quality site in your location. Keep in mind that what you are really looking for in backlinks is not so much the quantity, but relevance and quality. While getting links from local bloggers won’t do you that much good, one or two from high status groups in your area can do a lot.

Don’t worry so much about getting a huge number of links, but look for quality instead. In conclusion, there is no better way to grow your business profits than through local SEO.



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